Media allows us to collect a complete picture of the world that is easily digestible for us, letting us choose the information that each individual cares about.
Media allows us to collect a complete picture of the world that is easily digestible for us, letting us choose the information that each individual cares about.
We live in times where people are wondering what the next trend will be, what is happening in the world, where should people go and study, how to find happiness, what the newest and hottest movies and music are. We can rely and do rely on finding answers to all of these questions in one place: the media. Media is part of us as much as clothes are, we could live without it but the pluses outweigh the negatives. Media allows us to collect a complete picture of the world that is easily digestible for us, letting us choose the information that each individual cares about.
A newspaper article, a video or podcast, a billboard advertisement, a design on a T-shirt, a blog post – all of these have an essential component of media which is storytelling. Stories is the oldest form of media, the earliest humans communicated through stories by using sticks and stones to show where food was. We share wisdom and ideas through stories, even the simplest message like “I believe!” has a story to it, it tells something that the creator wants to get across.
Creative Media is about telling stories in a way that resonates with people. It can be with an article or podcast, it can be with light brushstrokes on an empty canvas or it can be with dialogue – in the end, it is all about sharing information with others in a way that is unique to YOU. Not only that, Creative Media is about taking ownership and innovating the media that you produce, a core part of entrepreneurship.
Simple answer: you tell stories in the way you want to ethically and creatively. You will make apples the best-selling product in stores, you will show why a certain book is life-changing to customers, and you will inspire millions to take action for a better world by letting them be part of an innovative initiative – you help to create a better world through media.
Some examples of what Creative Media experts do:
"The approach to media as we know it, is rapidly changing. The current paradigm shift in media calls Tomorrow's Media Expert to perform a delicate balancing act between today's wicked challenges and opportunities."
The world is yours to create with a Creative Media degree, literally and figuratively. You can work at an established company or start-up or even start your own business, NGO, or for-profit. As media is part of every organisation, you will be a wanted talent in any sized company.
Some examples of work that you can do as a media expert:
Like mentioned before, Creative Media is about telling stories that resonate with people in a creative and innovative way. The four-year program equips students with that plus more.
Seeing how a newsroom operates, creating podcasts, and learning multi-channel marketing plus many more, during your bachelor study (BSc) at our campus in Haarlem you will develop a specialist skill-set that includes understanding the ins and outs of the media field, as well as significant knowledge of digital tools that you will use to thrive in media. Topics include the philosophical (conceptual) development of media and communication content and network-based media production.
Our business-focused modules in the program focus on Entrepreneurship, Business Strategies, Strategic Management & Leadership as well as Finance and Law, Corporate Communications, Digital Marketing and Advertising and Media Distribution. So knowing how to create and organise events, how to manage a marketing team, and how to budget with marketing and media solutions, how to use the most effective media devices for the problem at hand.
Create your future with SRH Haarlem Campus, check out our Bachelor (BSc) in Creative Media.
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